Marseille, France


Since the creation of the association in 2012 by Stéphane de Freitas, Eloquentia has continued to develop to become a key player in the educational voice and civic expression of young people from working-class neighbourhoods.
Eloquentia’s unique pedagogy allows for personal development through specific work on life skills, emotional intelligence and social intelligence. It also aims to increase the awareness of each individual within a group, notably by working on collaborative dynamics and the development of empathy, as well as developing pupils’ oral and argumentative skills. These skills need to be developed as soon as possible among young people, in order to limit school drop-out rates and give them the best chance to enter working life.
The project itself aims to bring together 8 classes of middle and high school students from different schools in Marseille around a speaking event on the theme of Identity, and to provide educational courses to around 240 pupils with the objective of being able to come and express themselves and meet each other during a final presentation. These courses take place during the school year 22-23 with a final presentation in April/May 2023.
The Comgest Foundation has decided to support the 22-23 courses developed by the branch of Eloquantia in Marseille.


• Creation group dynamic and cohesion amongst each group of young people
• Improved sense of self-esteem and self-worth, improved sense of confidence, improved oral skills
• Evaluation of the impact of the project on the youngsters by pedagogical animators
• Beneficiaries dare to assert their identity, propose, exchange and listen to ideas
• The beneficiaries feel that they have acquired skills that allow them to better integrate society and the workplace



Antenne Eloquentia SUD


Project selected in September 2022
Duration: 1 year


The Comgest Foundation


Benjamin Hottin

Young people from some neighborhoods in and around Marseille face many obstacles to their education and access to work, in addition to a more general kind of social discrimination, poverty reproduction and social determinism. This statement is particularly true in Marseille where the average poverty rate is about 25% and can reach up to 50% in some areas of the city.
Through its actions, Eloquentia tries to participate in solving these issues over the long-term by targeting young people aged between 12 and 25 years’ old from urban areas in Marseille and the surrounding areas. Public-speaking training is given to middle-school and high-school students living in lower income areas in Marseille, identified as priority educational zones. The programme also tackles the following subjects: discovery of collective learning, peer collaboration towards a common goal, personal development and identification of future plans.
With its programmes in Marseille, Eloquentia aims to promote self-confidence as well as a culture of debate and dialogue, in order to create a more inclusive society.
Thanks to the Comgest Foundation, more than 200 young people in Marseille could benefit from these programmes, and this will be, without a doubt, a lifechanger for them!