The purpose of this project is to improve the standard of education provided to the students welcomed in Moanoghar school in Rengamati.
Social and political turmoil combined with the region’s chronic underdevelopment and mountainous topography have contributed to making the Chittagong Hill Tracts region one of the poorest regions in Bangladesh with the lowest literacy rate in the country and the highest drop-out rate from primary school.
Moanoghar is the largest children’s charity in the greater Chittagong Hill Tracts region. At present, there are 1,100 children in the Moanoghar School and they are provided with free or highly subsidized education. The children come from the remote communities where basic education facilities are non-existent and the parents are too poor to afford education for their children. Approximately, 48% of the children are girls. Although the passing rates at the Moanoghar School are between 75% to 80%, many children fail in national level Senior School Certificate examination in some selected subjects: English, Mathematics and Sciences (physics, chemistry, and biology).
To improve academic performance at the school, Moanoghar needs to recruit additional teaching staff and implement specific training/capacity building for all the teachers. That is the objective of this multi-year project which we expect to result in better passing rates and grades. Project co-financed by Luciole Foundation.
Expected results include:
• Increase in resources via teachers and programmes
• Increase of the pass rates
• Improve grade averages
Moanoghar School in Rengamati, Eastern Hilltracts, Bangladesh
Project selected in September 2020
Multi-year project: 5 years
Comgest Deutschland GmbH
Emil Wolter
I got to know about Moanoghar in 2009 and have been actively supporting them since through different projects ranging from their higher education learning programme (a fund which gives interest free loans to capable students for higher education), installation of energy (and hence money) saving lighting and the construction of a girls’ dormitory. I have visited the school 3 times including once with my own children and remain convinced of the acute need which exists, and the great “heart and mind” shown by its management and alumni. I am humbled by their persistence and courage in the face of adversity and pleased to be able to help, if only a little. Equally, I am grateful that Comgest (and all the individuals associated with it) has shown me the trust and responsibility to extent a hand to Moanoghar on their behalf.
Over the past few years – including with our help and that of others – the physical setting of the school has much improved. Now, the emphasis must be on raising the quality of outcomes in order to help break vicious cycles of poverty and vulnerability to external threats posed by politics, weather and pandemics.