• 1A1 - COMPLETED The Comgest Foundation supports the development of 1A1 which is a digital platform that helps young people aged 13 to 25 to find their...

  • SUPPORT TO HOMELESS YOUTH IN LONDON - COMPLETED Centrepoint is the UK’s leading youth homelessness charity, supporting over 14,000 homeless 16-25 ye...

  • CONSTRUCTION OF A VOCATIONAL SCHOOL IN THE BUSH IN BESELY, MADAGASCAR Ecoles du Monde was created in 1997 by Charles Gassot, a film producer, followin...

  • ELOQUENTIA IN MARSEILLE - COMPLETED Since the creation of the association in 2012 by Stéphane de Freitas, Eloquentia has continued to develop to beco...

  • SUPPORT OF VULNERABLE POPULATIONS The purpose of the project is to support children’s education in the Ambositra region by financing school canteens...

  • FOTADREVO - COMPLETED In the southwest of Madagascar, the Atsimo-Andrefana region increasingly suffers from drought and is one of the poorest regions ...

  • MOANOGHAR The purpose of this project is to improve the standard of education provided to the students welcomed in Moanoghar school in Rengamati. Soci...

  • BIBLIOBUS – MOBILE LIBRARY - COMPLETED This project targets brickyard workers’ families in the suburbs of Phnom Penh. There are three levels of pr...

  • SUPPORT FOR BRICKWORKS WORKERS AND THEIR FAMILIES The Comgest Foundation has been supporting SIPAR's activities in Cambodia since 2017 (Bibliobus). Th...

  • UKUWELA Carpe Diem School is a government school for learners with disabilities in George, South Africa. During 2017, Carpe Diem launched 'Ukuwela', a...